
For health and safety reasons, we do not accept returns or exchanges, and all sales are final. This includes all products, even if they are still in sealed packaging and have never been touched. Since we cannot accept returns of any kind, we recommend that you do your research before you buy and if you have questions we are always here to answer them. Email us anytime at

If you think that you ordered the wrong product, please contact us as soon as possible. If we haven’t packed your order yet, we would be happy to assist you in changing your order. Once it has been packed there is nothing we can do to stop it shipping out.

Occasionally, due to differences in screens, cameras or photographs, colors may be different than you expect. We do our best to make sure this isn’t an issue, but is not responsible for these differences. Images of products can be deceiving from time to time. In order to make you are choosing the correct sized product, look for the specs to see the dimensions. Whenever possible we try to make sure that the given measurements are accurate, but again we cannot be held accountable if there are subtle variations either due to mismeasurement or misproduction. If you find that measurements are way off from the manufacturer measurements, please let us know so we can contact the vendor. Unfortunately we still cannot offer a refund for any product that has left our facility, regardless of whether the size or color is off from what you expect.

While we can’t process returns, if your purchase is damaged or defective upon receipt, we will grant an exchange for the same exact product up to 10 days from the date it was delivered. If for some reason we are sold out of the specific item, store credit for the amount paid will be issued. “My partner didn’t like it” or “my cat scratched it” are not acceptable grounds for a damage or defect exchange. In other words, the ONLY time we can exchange a product is if it doesn’t work when you first receive it, see below for return instructions.

If your toy inexplicably stops working at any other point, check to see if your toy has a manufacturer’s warranty. If there is a manufacturer’s warranty, we do our best to list that in the specs/tags on the the product page. If your toy is covered, contact the manufacturer directly. If you need help getting connected, hit us up, we will do whatever we can to help you.

If you think you may have a damaged or defective product, send an email to info" with your order number, and we will assist you as soon as possible. If an exchange is granted, make sure you have all the product parts, accessories, and packaging that came with the product in order for the exchange to be granted. DO NOT SEND YOUR PRODUCT BACK UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED A RETURN MERCHANDISE AUTHORIZATION (RMA). If you send your opened product back without an RMA, it will be disposed of and no refund or credit will be given. We are sorry, but no exceptions can be made.

If you believe we have shipped you the wrong product, please do not open the product package. Take a picture of the product in the box and email us, make sure you tell us your order number in the email.